Intensive Care Coordination

Office of Coordinated Care & Regional Supports

Intensive Care Coordination using the evidenced based High Fidelity Wraparound Model was developed to keep families safely together while effectively helping children with emotional and behavioral health needs thrive in their homes, schools, and communities.

What we Do

Intensive Care Coordination (ICC) is a service tailored to a child’s and family needs. This program serves ages 0-21 who struggle with emotional, mental, developmental, behavioral, substance use, or other health challenges that also impact their home, community and school interactions.

Intensive Care Coordination builds a team around the family, to include professional supports as well as natural supports (friends, family, neighbors, etc) who will participate in the planning process to help the youth/family achieve their goals and meets their needs.

The team meets a minimum of 1x per month in each stage of the ICC High Fidelity Wraparound Model: Engagement, Planning, Implementation and Transition. The Intensive Care Coordinator and Family Peer support conduct weekly face to face check-ins with the youth/family to follow up on action steps and provide support. They are also coordinating with all other team members (professionals and natural supports) on a weekly basis to ensure consistency.

The length of enrollment with the process is approx. 6 months, dependent upon family and their ability to make progress toward their identified needs with support from their team. The process includes brainstorming and being creative in identifying opportunities and support for the youth and family in their community.

ICC HFW 10 Principles

  • Individualized
  • Community Based
  • Persistence
  • Team-based
  • Collaboration (and Integration)
  • Natural Supports
  • Culturally Competent
  • Strength-based
  • Outcomes-based
  • Family Voice and Choice

Eligibility Requirements

Children and Youth ages 0-21:

  • Involvement with 2 or more State agencies
  • Serious Emotional Disturbance (will qualify for or has a current Mental Health diagnosis and the diagnosis impairs their ability to function in day to day life)
  • SAFE School Violations or involvement with Probation (informal or formal)
  • At risk of out of home placement/placement in State’s custody
  • Placed in residential or USH and discharging within 90 days
  • 3 or more hospitalizations in last 6 months

Contact us


Utah Department of Health and Human Services
Division of Family Health
Office of Coordinated Care & Reginal Support
195 North 1950 West
PO Box 142002
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-2002


Cait Francis
[email protected]


Monday thru Friday - 8 am to 5 pm
phone number (385) 414-1644